Saturday, July 2, 2016

Medical Update

So, a lot has been going on since I last posted:
  1. My neuromuscular issues have flared back up. This time, things are not returning to baseline. I am in physical therapy to try and get my mobility back where I would like it. Currently getting around with forearm crutches. My neurosurgeon is ordering repeat imaging and sending me to a neuromuscular specialist. Hopefully we can put a name to this soon! 
  2. I had an atrial fibrillation ablation at the end of July for my atrial fibrillation. Minus a little bump in the road during recovery, I am doing well! Get off the Tikosyn and blood thinner at the end of october! Can't wait!!
  3. My Trigeminal Neuralgia is still acting up, but there is hope. I am seeing a pain specialist that has a special interest in treating head and facial pain. I am hopeful that he is able to do something to help me get ahead of the pain.

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